turning points

10.31.2006 at 8:26 PM

I saw something amazing today. R and I have been walking every weekday evening and today we made it up to our two mile mark (yay us!) but there was this great tree and I had been commenting yesterday on how full and bright yellow the leaves were. Most of the leaves were still on the tree. Today when we walked by the same tree about 80% of it�s leaves had fallen. In one day! It was a giant circle of yellow. Kinda cool.

And it finally happened Micheal asked for money. This is how some scams work� not that I am stating that it�s a scam because I have yet to see the outcome. But what people will do is gain your trust, build and emotional bond, and then ask for money. It wasn�t completely out of the blue, he has been talking about the troubles of his current project with the clients not coming through with payments and he might have to abandon the project to come home and asked for money so he could come home. He was not too happy when I told him I would not send money. Then he wanted to send me a check and have him send him back the money, but I said no to that also. I know enough about scams to know what not to do to get sucked in to it. Of course he�s not happy that I am basically telling him I don�t trust him, but c�mon, he really is a stranger I�ve never met. I�m not just going to fork over money or a possible check-scam. Anyway, so we�ll see if this is the end of it or if it�s just a coincidence that the situation FEELS like a scam ;p

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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