Maybe 2006 really is MY year

10.26.2006 at 11:07 AM

I thought my appraisal was totally going to screw me over because I don't think the property is work much and I owe more than my original purchase price which was around 80,000... some other people have sold between 100, 000 and 120, 000 over the past year or so, but they have been fully redone etc... and we know mine still needs a lot of work.
It appraised for 132,000!!! this means my refinance should be enough to help me clear up ALL other debt and roll it all into one payment AND I might even be able to get windows on the condo that actually CLOSE!!!!

So I�ve got this condo that is worth much more than I paid for it which is helping out the rest of my finances. I�m finishing my associate�s degree, I went to Hawaii, and oh yeah, there is a guy who likes me! (of course we haven�t actually met but I can�t ask for too much you know!)

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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