666 yeah we�ll see

06.06.2006 at 9:35 AM

so they are repaving our parking lot at home this week. It�s good, because it�s needed it since before I bought my condo 6 years ago, but just a pain in the ass because it means we have to find alternate parking until Friday. Yeah, Friday. The street was a mess this morning with all the machines coming in and everyone�s cars out there.
Of course been spending a lot of time playing with photos for flickr. Here�s a sampling in case you haven�t looked in a while.

from nowhere

sometimes no editing is needed

spin away

golden perch

autumn in spring

blue center

soft magnolia

backlit boardwalk

I�m having fun with it, can you tell?

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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