Strange things, but not completely

03.27.2006 at 8:56 PM

So the weekend was good. Had time with bv and the kiddos, and they were so cute! They are at that age when their speech is improving so quickly that every day they come up with some new phrase or express some new idea. Their individual personalities really are beginning to emerge

Had Sunday breakfast with Kay and another friend. Then Kay and I went to B&N �danger! Not that I have time to read, or that I�ve read the last dozen books I�ve bought� but I still came home with a huge collection from the bargain table.

After that (and a wondrous nap) I went grocery shopping. I walked into my regular grocery store to see that things are shifted around in the early stages of preparing for renovations. They haven�t begun the actual building part yet, but done things like shifted all the aisles to the left by a few feet, removed the section of the frozen foods that was like a long open bin and replaced it with another row of upright freezers with glass doors, etc. all very disorienting when you are in a place that you have been visiting for almost 9 years and knew like the back of your hand.

And speaking of disorienting, have I mentioned that I�ve been having sporadic spells of vertigo again recently. They haven�t been that regular, or even that bad� until today. I realized as I was heading to bed last night that I had forgotten to take my meds that I take every day. Not a big deal really unless you consider that one of the withdrawal side effects is vertigo. I didn�t think it would hit that fast or that hard, and honestly by this morning had forgotten about it� until I got to work. I was walking up the stairs and almost fell over. When I got to the top I thought �ok, that�s over� but then it continued in spurts as I walked to my desk (hand guiding me along the wall) , got started on some stuff at my desk, etc. it seem so strange to be sitting still and feel like your head is bouncing along on top of waves. Seriously, it�s such a strange and disorienting sensation. Like your head is rebounding from a punch in the face, but without the impact of the punch, just the rebound.
Anyway, after trying to sit still and concentrate on work for a while I realized that it was not going away. I�ve never had a spell last this long. Seriously, even sitting still it took me sooo long to type out a simple message in an email, and forget about being able to swing around to pick up the phone. It was like if I held still like a statue I could function, but even breathing caused too much movement. So I left. I had to hunch over in my car, drive slow and just concentrate on staying in the lane.

Feel much better now. I hope that remembering my meds keeps the episodes back at their normal minor and sporadic tendencies because I can�t function like that

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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