damn the beast!

02.28.2006 at 9:25 AM

Sometimes I wonder if fate tries to take care of us. Tries to prevent us from doing stupid things, things we might regret.
I was soooooooo ready to ask Kelly to come over last night� you know what they say on Grey�s Anatomy about once you wake the beast� and I was getting over that, but once he started chatting with me again, well, even if there were things I didn�t like, we definitely had chemistry.
But fate intervened. See, a month ago when I decided I was done with all of that, I erased his number from my phone so I couldn�t give in and call or text. And even though I removed him from my IM list it�s not like I don�t remember his IM name. BUT, as I said, fate intervened and I could not log onto my internet last night, effectively preventing me from inviting me over.
BUUUUUUUT who knows. He keeps chatting with me, hinting at things, and it�s been getting me tempted.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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