I am my own worst enemy

02.22.2006 at 10:10 AM

Why is it that the things that are no good, and that I KNOW are no good for me are still enticing? I was tempted at the grocery store and bought hot chocolate mix because my favorites were on sale. But of course, when I down a cup of the super-sugar-saturated nectar it almost puts me into a sugar coma. Why can�t I learn to dislike the things that make me feel icky?

So, I had Monday off, and yesterday was uber-busy, so I am just catching up now. Well, catching up on writing at least� once again I have been a slacker on the reading and haven�t caught up on your lives in weeks.

I was a zombie this weekend. Well, I started off good, spent Friday night with robyn working around my place, cleaning reorganizing etc. Saturday morning Kay and I got up early and went to do pictures. We decided to help each other with self portraits, so we went and I took pics of her at the park in a formal dress at 8 am (sleeveless and VERY chilly but they turned out great!) and I was a little more chicken and did mine indoors, playing with different makeup looks and backdrops.
After that it was over to bv�s until bedtime.
Sunday I slept forever! Really. after I got home from bv�s sat night I checked email and went to bed probably around midnight and slept off and on until 2PM. Got up for a while, but was back asleep by about 7:30 and slept all through the night.
Monday I was up around 7:30, played with editing and posting pics until about noon and decided if I didn�t get up and move around I�d never REALLY wake up. So I went out, ran an errand and worked on my homework while I had lunch� and it was all I could do to keep my eyes open to drive myself home for a nap. Seriously! What is up with that?
Went to bed at normal time and forgot to set my alarm so I slept in and got to work almost 30 minutes late.
And had a not great day either. It was one of those days where being female seemed like one fo the cruelest jokes in the world. Remember when you were yound and you mother made you start wearing a training bra (obviously, I�m directing this ro female readers) and remember how unnatural and itchy it was. How aware it made you of your chest an dhow you just wanted to rip the thing off? Yeah, that�s how I felt yesterday, only it was my boobs I wanted to just rip off. Anyone who thinks big boobs are fun has got to be up in the night. I would sooooooooo much rather be as flat as a little boy.
So, yesterday was my appointment at a clinic to deal with my skin problems. Not only the mysterious rash I�ve had since before Christmas (which cold sore cream seems to be the only thing to have any effect on it even though it didn�t make it go away) but I also break out still and am starting to get the fine lines etc that tend to show un in your 30�s. The aesthetician was awesome and we discussed all sorts of options. We did a light chemical peel and I bought a package for 3 more sessions. She also gave me samples of their skincare products. She was super nice and my skin feels really good so far, so hopefully this will be the jumpstart my skin needs to get back into a good phase.
So, next on my list needs to be the exercise thing. the weight I lost with the smoking and tons of caffeine has crept back and my pants are tight. But I�ve stopped the smoking and need to get my ass moving instead of snacking when I�m bored. I think I will try to start by parking farther away at work and school, and going for small walks in the evenings.
Just have to get my motivation up, because with this, like everything else, my procrastination skills have take over!

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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