
01.09.2006 at 8:51 AM

I finally installed the new showerhead I got myself for Christmas. I ended up going to home depot twice this weekend, the first for Teflon tape for the installation since I couldn�t find the roll I had from last time, and the second time for a decent pair of pliers, since all I had was a pair of needle-nose pliers and they just weren�t helping get the old showerhead off. But the new pliers were golden and removed the old showerhead like a charm! This morning I christened the new showerhead (or I guess it christened me) and I have to say, it was money well spent. (I guess a total of $20 for the showerhead and installation supplies) not bad for something that makes the start of each day just a little bit better eh?
I�ve been thinking about beets a lot lately. Strange I know. See, as a kid I hated beets, but would always put one on my plate when they were served because I loved the color so much. Over the past few years I have gotten to like them a bit, perhaps from sampling them at salad bars, and usually have some in my fridge. With winter upon us and me always looking for a cooking experiment I decided to give borscht a try. I mean I�ve had it before, I wanted to give making it myself a try. So I looked up a few recipes online last week, and yesterday I bought fresh beets at the store and had at it. I have to say, it wasn�t that bad. Not something I could eat ALL the time, but a nice occasional change in menu. I was just so scared of spilling some on my shirt! (and BTW, did you know that one bowl of beet soup is enough to make your pee turn pinkish?)
So school starts tonight. This semester is humanities (ancient to renaissance) and french. I need to go today and get textbooks and a parking permit.

Oh, and things are sort of back on with Kelly. See before I had been feeling a little guilty aobut the whole casual physical relationship without it actually being a relationship. But then I realized that if we are both in it with no expectations, and are both enjoying ourselves, then why should I feel bad?

There are a lot of problems still pending and you will not feel like dealing with them right now. In work, you will be quite busy but you will try all the opportunities of escape. In love, you will be offered to spend a romantic evening with your loved one.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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