Granddads and pics

10.14.2005 at 11:30 AM

It�s my Granddad�s birthday today. He�s 87. He�s had a pretty interesting life. He grew up in St Louis and I don�t know much about his childhood. He was an only child but from what I�ve gathered his mother wasn�t a very nice lady and he has always pretty much stayed away from the topic of his younger years. He got interested in music in his teens I think, and begrudgingly his mother sent him to piano lessons. He later played saxophone with one of the traveling �big bands� that went the circuit all over the USA. He was familiar with people like Duke Ellington and Count Basie. He was friends with Nat King Cole (ok, I think he actually knew him through Nat�s wife)
He was a paratrooper in WWII, stayed in Europe in the French Foreign Legion after the war, and also fought in Korea.
He married my grandmamma after he got her fired from her job. He was working as an importer/exporter after the war. He owned a double-suite office and grandmamma worked for the man who rented the other half of the office. Granddad pestered her and through spitballs at her until she couldn�t get ANY work done and got fired (hehe, TRUE story) after having their family and living in places as varied as Maryland and Japan, he retired early from the armed forces and later they moved up to �my island� (where Grandmamma�s mother was from and they had always spent summers there) where he took up his hobby of woodworking and built quite a profitable business making wooden toys. (did I mention he�s quite stout and has a white beard� it�s quite a well-known fact that he IS Santa Claus) At one point he was also a professional chef at a resort somewhere too. Yep, quite a varied and interesting life.

Word of the day- overmuch- (adjective, adverb, noun)

1. too much; 'showed overmuch affection'

2. to excess; 'let's not blame them overmuch': "Wendy was convinced her husband was working overmuch and worried about his health."

3. a quantity that is more than what is appropriate

Approximately 1297; from English, 'over' + 'much.'

As promised here are pics of the quilt I made for Kay

and she was quite pleased :)

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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