more graves

10.16.2005 at 6:29 PM

My phone rang around 9:00 this morning. It was Kay. She was bored and so we decided to head out with our cameras to the city cemetery. It�s on a hill above downtown and we spent several hours there. The sun was bright and I believe I used almost 4 rolls of film!

After that we headed up the canyon and had lunch at a diner that I�ve wanted to go to for ages.

Urban word of the day- drunk words-
anything said while intoxicated that may or not be true. this is similar to a drunk dial in that in can be embarrassing or emotional. anything said while this drunk also runs a high chance or being blacked out (forgotten) the next day.
often associated with the phrase "a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts".
unfortunately, the likelihood of truth varies from person to person.
HIM ::slur words:: "i love you. i really do. and ill remember this tomorrow, i swear. id mean it even if i wasnt drunk."
ME "yea, we'll see. i think its just drunk words."

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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