The countdown begins

Wednesday, May. 12, 2004 at 11:58 A.M.

So I got my grades yesterday. The company I work for has a good tuition reimbursement program and will pay me back fort tuition and expenses if I get a grade of B or higher. I ended up with a B+ and an A, so yippee�now I get enough money to pay for the washer and dryer I bought on Sunday.

The thing that bugs me, is that there is no way I should have gotten a B+ in the one. That was the class where there were 3 instructors taking turns grading our papers, thus giving a very inconsistent grading pattern. They were also the ones who did not give feedback, even when specifically requested. The items I usually got feedback on were the ones where I did well, so I didn�t need the constructive criticism. GGGrr� oh well, at least it�s enough to get the reimbursement, but I�m tempted to challenge my grade with them just to make a point.

Anyway, classes are done and I�m taking the summer off�just getting too burnt out. I have done classes the past 2 summers so this year I will take the break and hopefully be refreshed come fall. I did a tally yesterday and found that I have 9 classes and a few labs left before I have my associate�s. Yes it takes a looong time when you are doing it in the evenings after working a 40+-hour week and saving enough time for sanity as well. Yesterday 9 classes seemed like a lot, but now it�s not so overwhelming. I have already scouted the classes I wanted for fall. I plan on taking 2 but I registered for 4 (never fails the ones I really want are full or get cancelled) and have a small list of backups if more fall through.

So what am I going to do with my free summer you may ask? Well, aside from the redecoration project, and lots of relaxing, Kay and I are planning a road trip. Heehee�watch out mid-west, here we come! Kay has been working on getting to all 50 states, so we are going to knock a few more off the list. After this I think all she ahs left is Maine, Alaska, and Hawaii. Not bad for a 25-yr old huh? I�ve never even been all to the provinces of Canada (my homeland), let alone anywhere near half the states.

Anyway, we are both starting to get excited about this, even though it�s 2 months away�but getting out of town and just playing by ear sounds so perfect! She is a perfect road trip companion. Unlike other people I know, who are always wondering �when will we get there?��she and I are both about enjoying the ride, and just chillin�

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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