I got soul

Saturday, May. 08, 2004 at 11:10 P.M.

Attraction is such a strange thing. How is it that something draws us to one person and not another? Why is it that this attraction does not always go both ways? I guess the world would be a much less exciting place if it were not filled with all these people chasing unrequited love.

The funny thing I have noticed lately, is that while there are a few people I have been watching, it�s like I�m trying to find the person who will match this feeling I�m looking for. It�s like I have met the person before, and am now looking for them again. I�m not looking for some random guy, I�m looking for that one I know from somewhere in the infinities. Like someone you knew as a kid and then hadn�t seen or heard about for years�and then 30 years you meet up again and there is something vaguely familiar about.

That�s who I�m looking for�the person I already know, we just need to get reacquainted.

So that�s what I do. Meet people, start to get to know them, and at some point realize they are not this person I am looking for. I guess you could say I am somewhat a believer in soul mates. Maybe not in the sense that there is only one person for each of us. More in the sense that our soul can click with different people at different points in our lives. It has just been a long time since anyone has seemed to click with me and I feel like perhaps I�m due for a soul-reunion sometime soon.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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