Poor Jed

Monday, Apr. 05, 2004 at 11:06 A.M.

Jed is one of my coworkers in the IT dept. He has been working on repairing my sickly laptop for me. He has been doing this in his own time though, evenings weekends, using spare parts he has at home, and last week he brought my machine in to the office, stating it was fixed. But when I tried it this weekend�no go. (hence the few updates this weekend) So I brought it back in today for him to sweat over once more. The thing is, he won�t tell me how long he has really spent on this, or even how much I owe him for parts. The thing is, he has a family you know, and doesn�t really need to be spending his spare time doing this for me. And since he won�t tell me how much I owe him, I decided that he is going to be getting a nice little Easter basket from me. He likes all sorts of munchies and I know his stash is depleted, so watch out Jed�there�s chocolate coming your way!

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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