Babies and Blue Jeans

Sunday, Mar. 28, 2004 at 6:42 P.M.

Well, this weekend has been much more active and productive than my last few. Friday my mom flew in for the impending birth of my baby sister�s first child. I picked her up at the airport and went straight up to my brother�s place to get in a visit before heading down for her stay with the mama-to-be.

Saturday morning first things we called my sister to find that she had popped out the wee one first thing that morning. So after 18 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing she has a perfect little daughter of her own. They decided to name her Elena, which I think is just lovely. So we decided to putter around for a while, letting the new family get some rest before we imposed.

After a while at the hospital with them we decided to give them more time alone, I dropped my mom at their house, and I headed back home.

On the way I stopped to get some plants for my tabletop garden. Last year I got a small table for outside my condo entry. I built retaining walls and filled it with soil and created my own little garden. Now that spring seems to be here I figured it was time to revamp the scraggly mess left from last year�s remains.

My jealousy and baby envy lasted only for the rest of yesterday and today I am rightfully feeling nothing but joy for my sister. My other younger sister, who was also due last week, is still waiting for her special arrival, but I will not be there to indulge in my self-pity since she lives in NYC.

Today, rather than my usually spend-all-Sunday-on-the-couch routine, I got up and was productive. Of course, that is if you count shopping as productive. To my delight, Mervyns has decided to start a �Juniors Plus� section for people like me who like the younger styles of clothes but have more curves than the teeny tiny teens that those styles are usually made for. So my quest for new jeans that started dismally on Friday was completed today with not one, but two acceptable funky pairs that actually fit.

The warm weather has not only prompted me to by springtime clothes, but to start losing my winter blubber. So I made a gym date for tomorrow as I was driving around. Between spending stops I stopped at several locations to take pictures with my new camera, which I am still breaking in. Two rolls of film and $200 later I am back at home, trying to keep my energy up long enough to get to the homework assignments that are due tonight.

Anyway, that is the happenings of my weekend, not terrible exciting, but I have that energy about me that comes from actually getting up and moving around rather than lounging all day.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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