Bring out the Festivus Pole

Saturday, Feb. 07, 2004 at 9:54 P.M.

I don�t want to be one of these people who uses my diary for bitching purposes only. I hope that has not been the case so far, and if it seems that my track is leading us all that way, please, someone stop me!

But, I just have to say, I hate how the jr high element of things never seems to dissipate. Yes, I know I am a contributor, but that is also another thing I detest. The whole Cassie thing is still looming around. I haven�t actually spoken to her in 4 weeks, and I�m actually quite comfortable with that. Once I discover that someone is not �friend� material, I am content to let them move on. This however has turned into some big soap opera I-thought-you-thought kind of thing.

So after the 4 weeks of Kay and I having pretty much total separation from Cassie, she decided to actually speak to Kay. The problem is, as they started to get into things they were interrupted, and I believe that as things were left, Cassie is believing that everything is back to normal. Well, bring out the Festivus Pole because it�s time for the airing of grievances! I got a vm from Cassie today saying that she thinks this was all a big misunderstanding, that she thought I was mad, I thought she was mad, and she really misses us (Kay and I). I am not ready to settle so easily, because she still does not know what started this all. She doesn�t know that I have no intention of being �buddies� again. She has no idea of the list of issues that Kay and I made that need to be addressed.

Now, I don�t expect to deliver this list to her and watch to make sure she changes her ways. I plan to lay it all out and leave it at �I just don�t think that you are someone I really trust. An occasional lunch will be ok, but I do not plan on hanging out with you, opening up any more, dishing on the current events of either of our lives.�

The thing is, once Kay has a chance to present her case, I have a feeling the two of them will �work things out� and I�m going to be the one outted because I refuse to open myself to a friendship with someone I have determined is not someone I wish to have prolonged contact with.

So, I will start bringing lunches to work. I don�t want to make Kay decide which of us she will go to lunch with because I won�t go if Cassie is going. I should be doing that anyway. My budget would certainly benefit, and my lunches should be spent on homework anyway so my evenings are free for full-on lounging.

Anyway, now that that is out of my system��

The verdict on the new couch is in, and the verdict is: IT ROCKS. I want to live on this couch. I�m thinking I need to find an identical replica and have them move it into my cube at work. That�s right, clear out all the other shit, position my monitor just so, and get me a mouse with a rolling-ball on top instead of one where I actually need traction on the bottom of. The mouse can rest easily by my side while I pull the keyboard onto my lap and I will be a happy camper. Next all I need is for them to make a direct connection from the central water-cooler system right into my cube so I don�t have to get up to get a fresh swig and it�s all good! I spend all day in my cube anyway, so it might as well be as comfortable as possible right? They say happy employees are productive employees.

I may have to discuss this with them. I mean, it�s not like I�m asking them to purchase the couch.

Hey, I should ask THEM to purchase the couch!

Fat chance, but it�s oh so nice to dream.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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