little escapes

04.05.2006 at 12:27 PM

I planted my table-top garden yesterday. considering I haven�t watered it since about august I was surprised to see that there are many bulbs waking up and starting their growth spurts. I lucked out in finding many shade-loving plants this year so hopefully I�ll be able to keep it looking friendly.

I found out in emails yesterday with Steven�s mom that I am the only person other than her family who she has told about the investigation so far. But, she did give the investigator contact information for people. One of those people was Gethin, and she actually got his contact info from me. I was a little miffed that she gave his contact info, but didn�t let him know what was going on. I know how upset I�d been if I got an email out of the blue from a stranger about this. So I have been playing phone tag with him trying to discuss this. I�m not mad at her, I know she is consumed with pain, but other people are going to have to dredge up all this old stuff too and I thought it would be better if she at least let people know it�s coming.. Anyway, I�ve talked to gethin�s wife and also his mom (who write the magnificent book I wrote about last week) and he has my work number so hopefully I�ll hear from him before the end of the day. Then it�s off to class and then rush home for my own interview with the investigator.


Ready to leave for work this morning, I opened the door to a flutter of large wings and some squawking. Being startled I immediately shut the door. What the heck?
This time, more ready to deal with something in my stairwell,(right, not out on my lawn, but in the lower stairwell of a 4-plex) I opened the door again to find 3 ducks tussling. Mallards. Two males, and one female who appeared to be trying to escape their affections and one tried to mount her. As I stepped out and they realized I was coming through they scattered. The two males hopped up the steps to the lawn and the poor female took refuge from me (and them I suspect) under the steps. As I came out to the sidewalk the males took to the sky, but by the low circle they were headed in I suspect that poor female had very little time to rest before they returned.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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