poor leaky cow

04.03.2006 at 12:03 PM

It was not as dark this morning on my way to work as I thought it would be.

Why is it that I have such a hard time bringing myself to write these days. As you can see by my archives, that never used to be a problem. Now I�m such a slacker.

I started a wonderful book this weekend. It was actually written by a friend of mine. My mom�s best friend when I was a kid actually, but I consider her my friend too. She was the mother I coveted growing up. She is so educated, down-to-earth, classy, well-spoken and shows such sincere love to everyone she comes in contact with.
Anyway, she has written a book that is just little snippits of her life and how she deals with having MS. I�ve always thought of her as an inspiring person, just because of her personality, and now reading her book I am learning so much more about her. It has made me both cry and laugh out loud.

I got some new camera lenses in the mail that I bought on eBay and spent much of yesterday afternoon playing with them. It will be interesting when I get the film developed to see how they really turned out, but I was able to get such a close macro shot that I was focused in close on the grains of sugar on a puffy yellow Peep (creatures of the devil�yeah, I think they are scary. ), and the tiny bugs that came to feed on the yellow sugar.
After that I was still in the mood to take pics so I headed over to the little historic farm and got some good animal shots I think. There were three little brown calves were soooooooooo cute! On looked like he had these little buckteeth sticking out, but when you got close you could tell they were actually his bottom teeth jutting out. Made him look like the cute geeky one. There was also a mature cow in another pen and she had a little leakage problem. They had just finished milking her but one teat was still overflowing. Seriously! A steady stream! Poor leaky cow.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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