The Rugby Conspiracy

Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004 at 11:38 A.M.

Along with many people, I have often professed that I don�t care what people think of me. This is not entirely true. I only care about what the people who KNOW me think. This does not mean I want them to see me as perfect, but simply as I am.

There have on occasion in my life been instances where I did care about what other people thought of me�a prime example would be the case of the rugby pants. For those of you who grew up in the 80�s you may remember rugby pants as the �khakis� of the times. Although the pants often were not khaki in color, they were of the same heavy cotton twill fabric. They often had straight legs that neither tapered nor flared and they almost always had a wide elastic waist and drawstring.. They pair that I had I thought were wonderfully unique. Certainly no one else at our school had a pair like them. They were royal blue from bottom to hip, where they proceeded to have a 2-3 inch stripe of red and then topped off with a pale grey. Boy, were those some cool pants!

One of those winter days when the snow was very wet I came in from recess soaked to the bone. I decided to trade my sopping rugbies for my gym pants and let the other pants dry on the radiator. Just before the last bell of the day I scooted down to the girls bathroom to retrieve my pants from the radiator there and change before boarding the bus for home.

As I entered the long room that offered a row of sinks on the left and an equal number of stalls on the right I stopped with a start. There at the end of the long room was the radiator�but no pants. Puzzled I walked closer and then caught something out of the corner of my right eye. There in one of the stalls, immersed in the bowl, were my lovely pants. Now who did this? And why? I have no idea. What I do know is that I never wore those pants again. I knew that whoever had done that would be watching, waiting for their chance to catch a glimpse of the recognizable rugbies and tell everyone I was wearing toilet pants. Well the joke was on them because they never got the chance to follow-up on that second part of their devious plan. HA!

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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