
Friday, Apr. 02, 2004 at 5:55 P.M.

Well, the dentist experience today was not as bad as I feared. I told them right from the start that I have a tendency to feel things even after they�ve numbed me up (which is strange since I have a pretty high threshold for pain) so they gave me extra right from the start�I was still feeling a little as they started the lovely grinding tool in my mouth so I flinched, there were astonished that I could feel anything�loaded me up some more and we were good to go.

I have to say that whoever had the idea of putting TV�s in the ceiling at the dentist was a genius! Not only is it just plain nice to flip channels during daytime TV, but it�s nice to have something else to focus on other than the four hands and various tools of torture in your mouth.

Anyway, in less than an hour, the took an impression, ground off 2 mm around the entire tooth, made another impression, made a fake cap to cover it temporarily and I was on my way. I made them show me the poor little tooth-stub before the stuck the temporary crown on and boy was it pathetic�let me just tell you�if you have a choice between breaking a tooth and needing this type of dental work and not�.choose NOT.

Anyway, the chin to ear numbing has worn off, my jaw is only slightly achy, and I can�t chew on that side, but all is well�.at least I got to sleep all day after that

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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