
Monday, Mar. 22, 2004 at 6:54 P.M.

I have this bad habit of interrupting people during conversations. It�s not like anyone has ever said anything to me about it, but I notice myself doing it and it bugs me, especially since it bothers me when people interrupt me. So I have been making an effort to not interrupt people. It�s hard though, because it often happens during an intense conversation when the ideas are coming quick and if I don�t spit them out I lose them. But I�m working on it.

But the thing I�m really wondering, is, what counts as interruption when you are having an online conversation? With IM it�s hard to tell because sometimes it�s hard to wait while the conversation is being typed back and forth. Or if I have a long detailed thought I often will break it into several blurbs and send it over bit by bit.

With email is it considered interrupting if you write another message before you get a response? How long is it polite to wait for a response before you write again? Is that even an issue? I mean, if it�s someone I like hearing from I don�t care when or how often I get the messages, regardless of if I�ve had a chance to respond yet, but are there people out there who are bugged by this? Should I even worry about this?

On another note, for those of us cyber-dwellers: what is a normal time to restrict a new friendship to online only? For those of you who have met people IRL (In Real Life) after getting to know them online first, is there a �timeline norm�, or some unwritten rule? I mean, I know it bugs me if I chat with someone and they immediately want to meet up. To me that says they are more interested in �checking me out� rather than getting to know me. But is there also such a thing as waiting too long before you decide to meet face to face? Obviously, if geography is a concern then that adds a different element to that decision, but that�s not quite what I mean. I tend to put it off because the dynamic always seems to change once you meet the person. Maybe they are not what you had in mind, or you are not what they expected, I don�t know what it is, but something shifts. I hate that part. Maybe it�s because I have not met up with the right people or we really haven�t gotten to know each other well enough to retain our dynamic face to face. Or maybe I wait too long and we have set unrealistic expectations of what the other person will be. I just know that that is one thing that makes me sad about meeting people online. You talk, chat, discuss things, build up a rapport, and then you meet and POOF that rapport seems to disappear. Or the meeting goes well, but the online rapport seems to evaporate. Why is that? Emails become less frequent, or stop altogether. That makes me sad. If I like someone enough to keep talking to them, and eventually meet up with them, and then� nothing. They are gone. No more emails, no more chats, no more contact. Why does that happen?

Wait, is it just me or does this happen to other people?

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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