In like a Lion

Monday, Mar. 01, 2004 at 8:08 A.M.

Ok people, this is the week! It is the last full week of work before I go on vacation (10 sleeps!), it is the week I am trading in the cigarettes for the gym (well, at least adding the gym) We have a free gym in our building at work, and it�s a shame I don�t use it more. I was really good about it last spring/summer, going almost everyday, sometimes twice in the same day�. but then summer semester ended, and so did all of my motivation. But now I am trying to gear myself up again.

A few weeks ago I actually started THIBKING about going to the gym. I even brought it up with KAY.

Then two weeks ago I actually PACKED my gym bag.

Last week I actually BROUGHT IT to work with me.

This week I might actually USE it!

(It�s a long process to actually get me TO the gym, hehe)

The thing is, I do want to be in better shape, it�s not just a weight thing. That is a big part of it, but I want to be able to go hiking and not feel like I�m going to die!

So I bumped into one of my coworkers at the grocery store this weekend. I actually recognized her by her walk, not her face. Strange, I know! It was really weird to see her without makeup. Not that she wears a lot, actually she looks like she doesn�t wear much because she does a fairly natural look, but without it her eyes are these itty-bitty squinty things. That was really strange because it�s her eyes you usually notice first, not her eye makeup, but her blue, blue eyes. Interesting how makeup can make you notice someone�s features and not the makeup itself.

So this week will be a solitary one (thus the perfect time to add in the gym routine). Kay, my daily companion at work is taking the week off to spend with her �special someone� who came for a visit. This means I have no lunch companion, although I could break out of my box and go with someone else, but I won�t. I think I�ll just talk to my boss and ask if I take short lunches (long enough to go the drive-thru and get back) If I can leave early instead. This way I can head downstairs to the gym while everyone else is still in the office, and fit it into my schedule without having to actually be in the building any later than normal (and I realize the stupidity of going to the drive-thru so I can get to the gym earlier, but one thins at a time people! One thing at a time.)

So, here�s to a new month, and a renewed goal to get in better shape (before shorts weather comes!)

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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