Good morning Puppies

Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004 at 7:33 A.M.

Good morning All! I love waking up in a good mood!

I bumped into Cassie yesterday in the bathroom (I can't believe it took this long considering we work in the same not-too-large-office!) she gave me a big smile and I smiled at her too and said hi, and then went on to do the business I went there for in the first place.

I bought some new "energy" pills and am trying them out for the first time today. I'll let you know how I feel. I'm starting with a 1/2 dose though because there is nothing worse than taking a full dose and then ending up with the shakes. Gotta ease yourself into it.

I did not go to the gym yesterday. Instead I went tanning (freckling), then went home and pretended I was going to do homework, which I took a brief look at and then went on to working on my personal writing project. The part I�ve been working on recently is transcribing Steven's old letters to me, getting them into Word. It's funny doing this. It's more than just reading them, somehow typing the words out has helped me see more in what he said. Weird I know, but when you read you can just skim over things. When you are typing them out you pay attention to every sentence, every word. You know, I think he was just as a confused teenager as I was. At the time I took it as just ramblings, but now looking back, well, well there's nothing I could do about it. Did you know he used to call me "Wife"? :) I loved that. Still do actually. But no wonder I always thought we would end up together

Anyway, hope your day started off well!


bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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