then and now

03.31.2022 at 8:54 AM

I once told someone that the Holocaust made me hopeful. He thought I was nuts, but here is what I meant. If evil can be that strong, and that prevalent, and that destructive, and it ended and was shamed and denounced and the world did not continue down that path, then good really can be stronger than evil. THAT is what gives me hope.
Further to my thoughts of yesterday which I never really followed through with… so if there is a thing such as reincarnation, and if we do bring things from previous lives along with us, I wonder if that explains some preferences or dislikes in this life. I wonder if it explains a reason we are drawn to certain things.
But does reading about something, dwelling, reliving, refocusing on certain things affect out mood, actions, reactions in daily life. Would I feel less oppressed if I stopped reading about people being oppressed. Is that a symptom of the type of reader I am, that I empathize things so deeply that reading about something truly makes me feel it for myself in some small way? And is that healthy?
Or am I drawn to stories of the Holocaust because I was there, because it is a part of me? A previous me? Does it say more about the state of me now that I am drawn to the horrific stories of terror, evil, betrayal, inhumanity, triumph, death, war, peace and freedom? Or does it same more about who I was, drawing me back to something familiar?
Does rehashing these stories make me feel more oppressed, hurt, betrayed in real time?
Perhaps I need to read happier stories. Have any suggestions for me? Send me a note and suggest some happy fiction for my personal reading time.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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