The Blame Game

04.04.2022 at 3:37 PM

I am so tired of the blame game and hearing that the unvaccinated are taxing the health system. Like they are the only reason the health system is failing…

Why are the blamey-blamersons not focused those with comorbidities since they are the ones most commonly hospitalized? Because the comorbidities are not their choice? What about how they choose to deal with those comorbidities? So do you blame a smoker for being in the hospital because of covid? It is a comorbidity created by their choice. If they weren’t a smoker then they possible wouldn’t be hospitalized or need any other medical intervention.
What about a diabetic who refuses to eat properly? Makes them weaker, makes covid get a stronger hold on them, but it was their choice to let their comorbidity make them weaker and let covid get a foothold…. See where I’m going?
What about the vaccinated who are hospitalized or require other medical care because of covid. Are THEY also draining the resources? What about the medical needs to people with side effects from the vaccines… are you mad at them because their medical choice is now draining the system?
No, people are not doing these because those are not the acceptable scapegoats overloading the medical system.

But vaccine side effects are real. I know more people with vaccine side effects than I know who have been hospitalized or have long covid…(and I don’t know anyone who died of it)… are these people now taxing the medical system because of their choice to get the vaccine and now we all have to deal with the consequences?

People don’t seem to see this – you can’t just call out one cause for a broken and overloaded system – one that was broken and overloaded long before the worked pandemic was thrown at us daily.

Seasoned first responders and healthcare workers are still being fired because of their vaccine status. In fact, they were in such dire straits for workers after they started firing people, that they brought back people who were currently covid positive to work, instead of unvaccinated workers.

Read that again – they brought back people currently supposed to be in isolation, currently testing positive, rather than bring back someone who made a personal choice that did not affect the people around them.

These are the people who saw what covid was, dealt with it daily and are perhaps the most well-informed people, not to mention many of whom already had fought though it and earned their natural antibodies… how can anyone say this is right, first of all, or deny that purposely de-populating the health system of qualified professionals is not adding the overload and stress of a broken health system. If they are all throwing up their hands and freaking out about a pandemic, shouldn’t they be going to every length to HIRE all qualified personnel? Not reducing the amount capable staff putting more stress on those allowed to stay. No wonder they are burned out and angry….

And aren’t all medical expenditures a tax on the health system… these vaccines were not free. There are other preventions that do not require a patent and exorbitant amounts of money that are being relatively ignored and even blocked… and it’s not because they don’t work… why are the health systems not using those… because the health decisions of the masses are not actually controlled by the masses but by investors… is that not taxing the health system?

I also dislike how all unvaccinated are lumped together… isn’t it antibodies that make a difference, not a jab or not? People can be unvaccinated and be less of a threat to anyone around them because of their antibodies, not their vaccine status…people seem to keep ignoring this… they are just needing to blame someone and this is the group they have been told to blame…

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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