Pill Popper

07.26.2007 at 10:46 AM

I am feeling so much better this week it�s crazy! I mean compared to the past few months and even this past weekend! My thyroid problems have caused such extreme fatigue that on bad weeks I was going home from work every day before noon (some days within the first two hours of work) and would sleep until 5 pm and still be going to be at my regular time between 10-11. even last weekend I slept pretty much all through Saturday and Sunday. I think part of that was out of boredom cause I had nothing to do but chores and didn�t really want to do those ;p
But Tuesday was a state holiday even and I had the whole day off and didn�t even nap. So that�s pretty good, and it�s Thursday and I haven�t left work early in over a week.
So what�s changed? Well, last week I had another appt with my alternative NP and we discussed some more labs I had done. We continued to up my meds and I�ve added two new herbs, well, non-prescription remedies. The list of pills I take every day is enormous.
I start the day with 120 mg of Armor Thyroid and 50 mcg of Synthroid. And my BC pill.
Then during the day I take digestive enzymes (one with each meal) a high potency multi, a regular multi, 4000mg of vitamin C, a super B-Complex, folic acid, acidophilus, astralagus (can�t spell that one), red clover leaf, flax oil, fish oil, Metformin, Relora (new as of last week) and the new one as of yesterday is Phosphatidylserine. The relora and PS are because in my labs last week we discovered high cortisol which is from your adrenal glands and affects blood sugar, sleep patterns and weight gain. The Metformin is also for my blood sugar. Oh and then at night I take my �crazy pills� Effexor XR, which I want to start weaning myself off of) and a calcium complex.
I feel like a pill popper, but a lot of these things are on the natural side of things so that at least makes me feel better. Not to mention that I feel like they are actually having a positive effect in how I feel. I�ve also switched back to trying to limit my sugar intake. I don�t want to say low-carb because I�m not being super-strict about it, but opting not to have bread, potatoes and sugar most days.
Things are looking up.
Oh and Mark and I are planning to hang out this weekend.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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