in a lull and overwhelmed

08.28.2009 at 9:43 AM

Things are in a lull and I feel overwhelmed. Strange to feel both together, but I guess I feel like my energy is in a lull and there is so much to do that I feel overwhelmed. I am guessing that even is feeling this too since he keeps snapping at me.
We brought home a load of furniture that use to be in the family cottage. Great old antiques but they went from 30 years in a cottage to 4 more in a garage and they are musty and mildew. We brought them home and scrubbed them all down but they are now all pile in our living room and stinking up the whole house with mustiness. We need to re-wash everything with bleach but even never seems to do anything like that without having to follow my lead and I have been busy canning tomatoes.
Not to say that he doesn�t help around the house, because he does! He loads and unloads the dishwasher and will do laundry. But these other projects just don�t seem to get instigated by him and I don�t always have the time or energy to do it.
I guess this weekend will be dedicated to cleaning and getting organized since after labour day his parents are coming again and right now ALL rooms are in a state of chaos.
The weather at least seems to be cooling off a bit which means I won�t be quite the zombie I have been. Summer and humidity just wear me out.
I need to just get my head into a positive mood so when he snaps at me I can turn it into humour instead of breaking down and we can start getting our home reorganized. I think it really just weight son you more than you know to be living in a house that feels so chaotic even to look at.
So this weekend here is the to do list (I don�t know how much help I will get from him but maybe if he sees me slaving away and I�m not nagging him he will join in)

Install closet organizer
Put laundry away
Take picture of old dresser and list on kijiji
Clean and move non-mildewy dresser into bedroom
Clean and move larger but mildewy dresser into bedroom
Vacuum bedroom
Move old low dresser to upstairs
Take picture of old tv stand and list on kijiji
Take pictures of drums and list on kijiji
Clean mildewy wash stand and move to guest room
Clean new diningroom table and move into place
Clean mildew bench and move into place
Measure bench for cushions and next week go to upholstery store
Take pictures of old dining room table and list on kijiji
Vacuum living room

Of course there is a lot more to get done but these are the things that are really making the space feel so crowded and dirty. Then maybe I will start to feel less weighed down

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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