1000 Flushes~ NormalToilet Archive

12.30.2005 - winding down
12.22.2005 - Three pink peppermints �til Christmas�
12.03.2005 - Learn some road-manners please!
11.24.2005 - happy turkey day
11.23.2005 - struggling to get my head above water
11.21.2005 - Home safe and sound
11.10.2005 - poppies
11.03.2005 - SE7EN
10.27.2005 - epitaph
10.25.2005 - poetic questions
10.21.2005 - Crappy Poem 1.5
10.21.2005 - Crappy Poem Deux
10.16.2005 - more graves
10.14.2005 - Granddads and pics
10.10.2005 - the REAL turkey-day
10.06.2005 - Crappy Poem I
10.02.2005 - Part IV
10.01.2005 - Part III
10.01.2005 - Part II
10.01.2005 - Part I
10.01.2005 - lock-down
09.30.2005 - Stupid Asshat People
09.27.2005 - evening w/ Puppy3
09.20.2005 - Evil Cramp Goblin
09.13.2005 - open letters
09.06.2005 - Crazy Cat Lady
09.05.2005 - laboUr day
09.04.2005 - where DO those tears come from?

Most Recent
Jan-June 2006
Sept-Dec 2005
July & August 2005
May & June 2005
March & April 2005
January & February 2005
July thru December 2004
January thru June 2004

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?