
07.08.2011 at 9:17 AM

I am officially �over 10 lbs lighter than I was 2 months ago. yay!

Unfortunately, at my size, 10 lbs is not a noticeable difference and I would not guess it except that the scale tells me so.

But at least seeing it on the scale is still motivating, and I will settle for only seeing the changes on the scale until I can see them on myself.

Unfortunately, I have not gotten my butt in gear to add more physical activity into my routine.�

I know that my results will improve when I do that and I am gearing myself up for it. �I never seem to have motivation for diet and exercise at the same time but I'm working on it and know that is when I will finally see the results I really want.

In the meantime I have changed the free calorie counting app that I use on my iPod to track my food. I really liked the one I was using except I could not track net carbs ( that is total carbs minus fiber) which is really important when trying to track a low- carb eating plan. �So I switched to a different free app that has that feature. �There are things I miss about the first app, but the net carbs overshadows the other things.

It it still a free app and in case you are wondering it is called "calorie counter by my net diary". There is a pro version for only 3.99 but the free one does so much I don't know that I really need to upgrade. I've been looking at it to try to see what the differences are and for now I think I am sticking with the free one.

So between the calorie counter, reading the Protein Power Lifeplan and the free low carb podcasts (Dana's low carb for life. & livin la vida lo carb), �I think I have some great help for keeping me on track. �Even if he thinks low carb is a fad and continues to eat crap. I am really trying to approach this with the new terminology of a "paleo diet" which really means that it is what humans historically have been meant to eat versus low carb which always brings to mind the newer and fad-like approach. �They really are the same thing, but if I start to use terminology around him to help de-fad the idea maybe he will start to see the light.�

The funny thing is that the mainstream and medical approaches to diet and health seem to be so far behind and stuck in low-fat high carb idea which really is a fad created over the past century. And since the mainstream doesn't endorse it and he hasn't seen it yet in the Toronto Star, he does not believe. �I will have to be the proof and maybe he will get on board.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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