commuter's thoughts

03.03.2022 at 5:07 PM

I was thinking on my drive to work today about how so many people see this whole C19 thing differently. It is definitely a source of division in my home, and I was thinking about how differently my husband and I interpret and react to the information given (and not given) to the public.
First of all, I will start by saying that I think that one of the worst things to ever happen to mankind is the 24 hour news cycle. Especially given that things like someone’s sexual orientation seem to qualify as “news”. Nope sorry, that’s just gossip.
Over the years, (Pre-C19) I have often tried sharing information with my husband, who devoutly would not believe me until he read it in the mainstream newspaper. His theory was that newspapers only report what is true because they would lose their sponsors. My approach is that newspapers will only report what their sponsors want them to report.

Anyway, regardless of what you believe of the two past years, whether you believe it’s a “plan-demic”, new world order, lab leak, just a worse kinds of flu, I’m not debating that today. What struck me as interesting is how people react to the news of this “new illness” and whether their actions and reactions are directed by fear. I’m not talking either about the general fearmongering that the 24/7 new cycle is hyping, but just a general fear of dying.

You see, I grew up in a religious family, and although I left that life a long time ago, I still guess I believe there is something more than this life. I’m not afraid of death because I believe there is something more. I’m not talking about judgement or heaven and hell, just that death may not be the end.

Is that why I am not so concerned about a virus? Because we are all gonna die anyway and I want to see what’s next? The only thing I’d really worry about it leaving my daughter in this life without me to support her.

Maybe that’s why my husband is so caught up in the fear. Because he doesn’t have any belief in an after life?

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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