Staring into the Blog-i-sphere once more

03.02.2022 at 4:36 PM

It’s been a long time and I hardly bet any of the few people I knew IRL who knew about this blog would even check it anymore after such a hiatus, so I am going to open it again in the hopes of finding some like-minded readers. I doubt I will have any audience that I have had before, and I remember I used to pride myself on having dozens of regular readers. ;p
My life has changed since what it was when I first started this blog and it is only fair I think to update anyone who comes upon this of my situations so you have an idea of topic I am likely to touch upon.
I am a mother of a 6-year old with anxiety (diagnosed by me because wait lists to actually see people are so long and the only thing the “system” has in the pipeline is a workshop for me, not for her) who has talked about suicide.
I am a wife and sole “bread-winner” in a strained marriage (my husband un-friended me on FB, not unfollowed my post but actually removed me from his contacts list because my opinions are apparently crap and he “unfriends people who post crap”).
I enjoy my job and like my closest co-workers, but they do not get along with each other.
I am part of the “fringe minority with unacceptable views” and still believe in my body-my choice, freedom of the press, and accountability for leaders and corporations who think it is ok to lie, mandate or coerce.

I am in need of positive support, so if the meanderings of this mindset are not for you, please do not make the effort to be unkind, simply move on.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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