I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles

07.06.2009 at 11:54 AM

There have been a lot of things floating around in my head. Not all of them nice.
I guess I can start with my mother-in-law. She is a wonderful woman. Kind. Cheerful. Generous. But a little too free with information for my tastes. I don�t need to know about bowel movements. From anyone. I prefer it if my houseguests would close the bathroom door when they are in there. And there is the sundress. The god-awful-doesn�t-cover-enough-and-is-older-than-me-and-falling-apart sundress. And she goes out in public in it. Braless.
I just don�t know how to deal with that. I want to steal it and burn it.

In a completely different direction:

Our neighbor committed suicide last week. Well, his girlfriend Heather is our neighbor and I guess he basically had been living with her. But I�d only met him twice I think. Anyway, our other neighbor, who is really close with Heather came over and told me. I felt somewhat helpless since of course, who knows that do to in those situations to start with. Plus I had Evan�s mom with me, and I felt like I needed to be attentive to her. I told Mo (the other neighbor) to let me know if there was anything I could do. I figured I would give her some space to be with family and closer friends before butting in. But Heather showed up on our doorstep yesterday and we had a little visit. I don�t think it has really hit her yet and it is definitely going to take some time. Of course, whenever I am around someone who is emotional, even if they are composed I become an emotion magnet and the tears start to flow. Anyway, I sort of feel like my experience with Steven has given me a bit of insight and I might be a better sounding board than anyone else she has because I can at least give some helpful hints from the perspective of someone who has been through a situation, that while is not the same, is at least in the same ballpark.

So other than these things floating around in my head I am just reveling in the fact that we have our house back to ourselves. I really like to have a lot of alone time, or down-time and when you have houseguests that�s just not possible.

Today I head for visit # 3 with my naturopath and I hope that I start seeing an improvement in my general wellbeing soon or I am going to stop going. He told me I would not see or feel any results right away, but in the nature of our North American instant gratification lifestyle I truly am getting tired of waiting.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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