
10.03.2007 at 8:37 AM

Just thought I�d post bits of the emails that have been going between Evan and myself

We're totally flirting with each other right? I mean the questions we're asking each other aren't things you would ask somebody that you don't have any interest in. I hope I'm not wrong about this because I think you're amazing, and I really want to get to know you better. I can't believe how lucky I am to find someone like you. I find myself thinking about you all the time. I haven't felt like this in years, and I miss being able to share my life with someone so interesting. I want to experience things with you and to show you things that I'm into. Like Yacht Rock. I love that you think it's funny. A sense of humour might be the number one thing that I look for in a woman. I'm going to stop now before I mistakenly put my foot in my mouth. Hopefully I
haven't done so already! I just felt that it was time to stop beating around the bush and tell you how I felt about you. I hope that's okay.
It's crazy, but I'm nervous to hit the send button. You only live once, and there's been too many people that I cared for that I didn't tell them how I felt. Here goes!

Hehe you really are adorable you know? yes we are flirting, and no I definitely don't get into this kind of stuff with just anyone. I am not sure what to say though because I'm really trying not to get all wrapped up in this. I totally love talking to you and can't even count the time's I have checked my email hoping there was a message there from you. BUT what if you get here and things get awkward? I guess I'm a little more scared than optimistic. I love that you are so open and positive and I hope I am not giving you the idea that I'm not interested, because you need to know that I am. But I'm also just overwhelmed. I mean this is a strange situation right?

I was soooo nervous waiting for your email. I'm glad that you feel the same way. I know it's completely weird and strange, but it feels right to me. I was just bursting at the seams to tell you how I feel. I didn't want it to ruin anything, but I don't think I could have survived another 2 weeks without telling you. If you enjoy talking to me via email, we should be fine in person. I'm not any different. It shouldn't get awkward. It's overwhelming because we've sent something like 100 emails in the last 2 weeks. That's like a year of talking twice a week all crammed together! :)
I don't want it to sound sappy, but it seems that you have all the qualities that I'm looking for. Obviously until we actually spend time together, I won't know if it's true. But unless you're a total meanie I can't see it not being a great trip. You make me smile. I smile when I think about you, and I find myself logging in to facebook to look at your picture. You have such enchanting eyes and I love your smile too. I'm really glad that you have so many self portraits on flickr. I love to see such a range of emotions. The one's with tears running down your cheek make me want to hug you and make it all better. In one comment you said it was an act for the camera, but that doesn't make me want to hug you any less.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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