
08.28.2007 at 2:04 PM

Well at least I�m not as angry today. I guess I got most of that out yesterday.
I also quit that dating website I was on. Just doesn�t seem to be anyone on there interested in talking to me who I also would like to talk to. No need to have to face that daily rejection.
I�m going over to Kara�s after work to help her make salsa. She was so energetic at the beginning of the summer that she planted a �salsa garden� not really thinking about the fact that she would be about 9 � months pregnant when harvest came along. I haven�t seen her in about a month and she was HUGE then, well her belly was, she�s a petite little thing.
Anyway, it will be good to keep busy otherwise I�d go home and nap or just be in the couch ;p

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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