Sent to the principal�s office

07.19.2007 at 8:30 AM

So I got an email the other day from our head of HR asking me to come meet with her. No idea given about what it was regarding. I immediately started to worry of course, because this is not someone I socialize with or even chat with.
I asked my boss if I was getting in trouble for missing so much time because of my health problems (thyroid fatigue is a bitch!) and he said �sort of but it�s not a big deal don�t worry about it. ok, so he apparently knew what my meeting was about and although he told me not to worry how could I not? I mean in my past getting called in for a meeting has not been a positive thing!
So I waited until the appointed time and showed up at her office. She proceeded to tell me that my boss had talked to her and told her he didn�t know how to talk to me about this topic so she volunteered to. He is worried about my health and what it might do to my future working capabilities. Not that there are any problems now, he recognizes that I am still getting all my work done even if I do have to leave early some days. But the problem is we have a big project about to land in our laps and he�s worried about me being able to pull my weight and didn�t know how to discuss it with me.
So I ended up giving her more of the details since she didn�t know what was really going on with my and my thyroid drama (it�s been a year since I was diagnosed and am still dealing with the fatigue issues) and while the situations is improved from what it was, I am still not at what I consider to be optimal. Anyway, she mentioned things like going part-time or perhaps even disability and I told her that I don�t want to go down that road. At this point even though I am still missing some work I am still getting my work done and we are still tweaking my meds to make more improvements. We started a little cautiously with the meds as to not overdo it, but we have had a few months now to see how each little tweak affects my system. I am now jumping ahead a little more aggressively because I have seen how the little tweaks make only such a small improvement. But still I have gone from going home 4-5 days a week to only 1-3 times a week, so it�s a marked improvement, just not enough. So we�ve upped my meds quite a bit more in the hopes to bridge that last gap.
Anyway, so she and I talked about it and when we were done o laughed and told her that she shouldn�t freak people out like that asking them to come in with no warning as to the subject. She laughed and asked if I had really been worried and I was like uh yeah!

Anyway, since my boss hadn�t known how to broach the subject with me (which I find funny since we talk about it all the time because his wife had thyroid cancer) I wrote him an email after the meeting expressing my appreciation for his concern regarding not only my health but my ability to keep up with work in the future and pointing out that there have been improvements and that I believe we are on the right track and am taking a little more drastic step this time instead of playing it safe with the adjusting of meds. He responded that he does recognize the improvements and hopes that things keep going in that direction.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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