
11.27.2006 at 11:01 AM

Yesterday was the busiest Sunday I�ve had at job#2 so far. Even beats that one crazy Sunday in July. Good thing my boss decided to come in and do some work or I�d have had a hard time keeping up with everything. She didn�t really get much done of what she planned to cause we were so busy. Seriously, on my feet for 7 hours walking back and forth on concrete. I walk like an old lady in the evenings after a day like that.
Micheal�s friend with the computer is gone now so he has very little access to the internet. But only 2 � weeks until he�s supposed to be here so it doesn�t seem too bad.
This couple that was in at job#2 first thing yesterday had their newborn with them. I don�t know, up to what age are babies considered �newborn�? she was 7 weeks and still red and sleepy. She was a little fussy after a while and they let me carry her around. They were pretty relaxed for first-time parents and they were a little on the older end of things for this to be their first. But they were totally cool with me carrying her around. She was just so prefect and totally stopped fussing as soon as I picked her up. She was still small enough that she was not too heavy to secure with just one arm so I had her nuzzled into my neck while I walked around helping other customers. Too cute!
So Kay and I were supposed to go out picture taking Friday but that didn�t happen (big shocker) ever since she got her boyfriend who is also into photography I no longer have a buddy to go exploring with. Yeah, I�m kinda pissed about it. She never wants to do anything anymore cause she�s either with him or sleeping cause she�s tired from doing stuff with him. She did call Saturday to see if I wanted to go shopping, but I was kind of pissed about Friday and have no money anyway so I said no thanks.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

  • : : :
    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

  • What is a normaltoilet?

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