
08.25.2006 at 1:12 PM

I am tired of people who pretend to want to get to know me, but have no intention of listening to me or wanting to hear anything resembling an opinion of my own. All they want to do is talk and convince me that everything they say is right. I am tired of people playing the martyr. I am tired of people trying to push buttons and then getting unreasonable when you try to understand what is going on. I have been told that I am �rude� because of the things I didn�t say, and �disrespectful� because of the (unsolicited) advice on how to become rich and famous from my photos that I did not jump all over.
I am tired of people deciding to dislike me for what I said when they have not even bothered to find out what was actually said. Even if they have a �reliable� source it�s still second-hand information and if they want to know what I meant they should talk to me, otherwise they are making judgments on hearsay. I am tired of people deciding that they know me when they haven�t bothered to look beyond my face.
I am tired of people being emotionally manipulative and pretending that they live their lives logically.
I�m beginning to wonder if it�s really worth getting to know new people because most of them seem to be idiots.

bEfOrE ~ AftEr

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    wHaT dO u tHiNk ?

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